On 11/27/2017 11:34 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 9:43:40 AM UTC-10, Casa de perritos felices wrote:
>> On 11/27/2017 12:19 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 5:36:38 AM UTC-10, Casa de perritos felices wrote:
>>>> Ha!
>>>> The eponymous green bean casserole is a generation-proof dish.
>>>> I like it!
>>> Well, not over here. I never had green bean casserole until I went to the mainland for my brother-in-law's funeral. It was a Thanksgiving/remembrance type deal. This lit a spark in my younger son who started making big batches of green bean casserole for parties. This inspired my daughter and older son's girlfriend to start making this dish. I like my daughter's and son's recipe better because they use canned beans and canned soup to make theirs. Hee hee.
>> OMG, you have brought back an invasive culinary tradition to your rock.
>> If this progresses to Jello molds, well...
>> :=)
>>> We had eaten dinner at the daughter's house. She and her kids made some meat pies that her late dad liked. That was the first time I saw meat pies like that and it inspired me to make my own. It's funny how these thing ripple outwards like that.
>> Did those Vietnamese ones I linked you to look good?
>> https://theculinarychronicles.com/20...ory-meat-pies/
>> So simple with puff pastry dough and every bit as tasty as the ones we
>> get at a local VN eatery.
>>> It was a most memorable trip. My wife's brothers told the story of how they picked up B.Dylan hitchhiking and the amazing adventure they had. My sister-in-law read a letter by her late brother requesting a photo made by Ansel Adams of his aunt dancing with a bear. Their aunt took them camping and it was there that they met this famous photographer. As usual, the brothers had no idea who the guy was. He must have been quite smitten with their aunt. The letter is a hoot and I'm trying to get my sister-in-law to transcribe it. I've never seen this aunt/bear photo. Maybe one day...
>> A bear dance?
>> Magical.
>> https://i.pinimg.com/236x/09/4f/66/0...e28fccd30e.jpg
> That's the way it is when you're on one of the most geographically isolated rocks on earth. An invasive plant or animal can come over here and take over the joint.
> http://www.unrealhawaii.com/2014/05/...oceros-beetle/
> The puff pastry pies look fine. One of these days, I'll try making it. Thanks.
My pleasure.
I just finished watching the 2nd episode of PBS' "Expeditions" look at
the Catalina Island Conservancy and was shocked to see that rock still
harboring 130 or so carefully managed Bison - remnants of some
Hollyweird filming decades ago.
Yeah it's possible to play God and dart them with birth control, but why?
Tourism is why.
And with all the species that are truly unique to that island I find it
absurd for "conservationists" to maintain an artificial ecosystem of
their own construct while still saving the real one.
Your article is deeply troubling as a climax state photo essay of the
law of unintended consequences.
I call them "stupid human tricks".