Soda Stream
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Casa de perritos felices
external usenet poster
Posts: 206
Soda Stream
On 11/28/2017 7:59 AM,
> Anyone have one... comments... I'm considering getting one. I'm tired
> of lugging heavy cases of cans and then storing cans and returning
> cans.
Have one, for the past 4 years.
Bed, Bath & Beyond no longer features much display space and I've
generally gotten sick of using it as the sporadic shelf availability of
flavors has become an annoyance.
They seemed for a while to have stopped making the citrus oil
infusions, and many of their pseudo-pop syrups are a bit off, even odd
in some cases.
Even ordering from their website had become erratic too.
The thing really works though, but I may be SOL on soda cartridge
refills if BBB has truly dropped it.
I give it a solid A for even carbonation, a B for the flavored syrups,
and a C for consistent website ordering.
Great gadget, but somehow the market seems to have yawned at it.
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