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ardiente casa del amor ardiente casa del amor is offline
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Default Better than Hamburger Helper

On 11/29/2017 9:32 AM, Taxed and Spent wrote:
> On 11/29/2017 8:27 AM, ardiente casa del amor wrote:
>> On 11/29/2017 8:37 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Wed 29 Nov 2017 07:41:36a, Ophelia told us...
>>>> "Wayne Boatwright"Â* wrote in message
>>>> 9.44...
>>>> On Tue 28 Nov 2017 02:29:52p, Ophelia told us...
>>>>> "Wayne Boatwright"Â* wrote in message
>>>>> 9.45...
>>>>> On Tue 28 Nov 2017 12:47:08p, Ophelia told us...
>>>>>> "U.S. Janet B."Â* wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Tue, 28 Nov 2017 17:47:18 -0000, "Ophelia"
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> "U.S. Janet B."Â* wrote in message
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Tue, 28 Nov 2017 10:52:47 -0500, jmcquown
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 11/27/2017 6:45 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, November 25, 2017 at 12:33:07 PM UTC-5, Julie
>>>>>>>>>> Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Had a pound of ground beef to use up and was feeling
>>>>>>>>>>> uninspired so made homemade mac and cheese and added the
>>>>>>>>>>> cooked ground beef.
>>>>>>>> Pretty much anything is better than Hamburger Helper.Â* My
>>>>>>>> mother occasionally added ground beef to mac & cheese to
>>>>>>>> "stretch it". Sometimes she'd add cubed kielbasa.Â* It was a
>>>>>>>> main dish meal in our house.
>>>>>>>>>>> Very good but filling!
>>>>>>>> Isn't that the point?
>>>>>>>> Jill
>>>>>>> the only HH I ever used was the Potato Stroganoff.Â* I got it for
>>>>>>> when we were camping for a couple of weeks.
>>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>> What are these 'Helpers' made from, or should I say, what do
>>>>>>> they contain?
>>>>>> bad stuff, you supply the meat, usually ground beef.
>>>>>> Seasonings, pasta or potatoes, and the meat (special Helpers for
>>>>>> tuna and chicken) you have chosen.Â* Thus, Hamburger Helper,
>>>>>> i.e., helping your hamburger meat become something. Janet US
>>>>>> ==
>>>>>> Oh!Â* You mean just flavouring or something?Â* I had thought it
>>>>>> might be a filling
>>>>> You might it a "kit".Â* All things provided except the meat,
>>>>> water, (sometimes milk).Â* I rarely use them, but when I do I
>>>>> usualy serve a green vegetable with them.
>>>>> Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â* Wayne Boatwright
>>>>> ==
>>>>> A kit of flavouring?Â* If you have the meat, what more do you need
>>>>> to make hamburger?
>>>> The Hamburger Helper boxes most often contain dry pasta, dried
>>>> sliced potatoes, an envelope of sauce mix, various seasonings...
>>>> Basically everything you nee except for the hamburger itself.
>>>> Other meats include chicken, tuna, etc.
>>>> Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â*Â* Wayne Boatwright
>>>> ==
>>>> Good heavens!Â*Â* There are loads of different ones!!!Â* I wonder how
>>>> they never made it to UK?
>>> My guess is that there are probably fewer convenience foods in the
>>> UK.Â* Brits actually cook. :-)

>> I think there is some truth in that, but I wager the profusion of kebab
>> shoppes and takeaways of all manner of ethnic cuisines from the far
>> reaches of the old empire are changing that rapidly these days.
>> The UK has always loved its native fast foods like fish and chips and
>> pub crisps and so on.
>> They simply never had the post-war corporate wealth to deploy them with
>> the scale our institutionalized burger joints and taco stands have.

> Yeah, well it seemed that most of the pubs in London were owned by the
> same corporation, and had the same menu.

Interesting, perhaps the consolidation has been going on in earnest then.

Twas a time no long ago where classic small business was very Brit thing.

And losing that is never a beneficial event.