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Gary Gary is offline
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Posts: 23,520
Default The Makings of a Scrapple Breakfast

Dave Smith wrote:
> Bruiso wrote:
> > If you didn't bitch about me all the time, you'd never see or hear
> > from me. Your choice.

> This is interesting. You have admitted that you nymshift to get past
> filters that you know you are in, but you are trying to claim the high
> moral ground. That only works in the minds of the people who do it. You
> should look at it the way others do.... an admission than one knows they
> are being an ass.

I have to disagree and back Bruce on this one, Dave.
Babies that get so easily offended and resort to killfiles
is one thing. Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.
But to then talk about the killfiled person
to others in a bad way is just rude, arrogant and wrong.

Try doing that in your town and see how long it takes to
get your ass physically kicked royally.

If you want to talk trash about someone, you should at least
have the decency to let them respond and you hear it.

Unlike some here seem to think, usenet people ARE
real people and we all have real feelings.