Thread: Soda Stream
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Soda Stream

On 2017-11-30, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> OTOH, electronics are far superior than what was available not many
> years ago.

You must mean they are "much smaller". I tossed my cell phone acct,
but still use my 'desktop' computer.

> Cars are much better.

How so?

I jes found out there is such a thing as 'non-interference' engines
and 'interference' engines and if yer timing belt breakes on an
'interference' engine, yer hosed. IOW, 'timing belt' (born to break),
versus 'timing chain' (rarely gives trouble). Usta be, all engines had
timing chains.

Also, howzabout 'event data recorders' (EDR). Yer car is crawling
with 'em (ABS, air bags, seat belts, etc). I'm not even gonna discuss
the whole 'IoT' nonsense.

All those 'seat warmers', electric outside mirrors, etc, jes add more
weight, which kills fuel consumption. My '87 Civic got 38mpg (real
commute data). Ten yrs later, Civics were bragging on gettting 28mpg.
Why? All that copper wire weighs a lot!

IME, the USA has not made a good car since 1974!!
