Parsnip roasting
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Parsnip roasting
On 2017-11-30 10:08 AM,
>> I have never liked them and no matter how many times someone tries to make
>> them one way or another with the "you'll like them this way" etc., I still
>> don't like them, I also can't stand beets. DH likes both so I occasionally
>> make one or the other for him.
>> Cheri
> I do like beets, cold in vinegar
My wife will eat most things, but she detests beets. I can take them or
leave them but never used to cook them because she disliked them so
intensely. As a result, our son never had them here. I was surprised
to learn a couple years ago that he loves pickled beets.
I did get my wife to try beets a couple years ago when I tried a recipe
for a salad with roasted beets with Bibb lettuce and blue cheese. She
enjoyed it enough to actually make the same salad a few weeks later....
but that was the end of beets for her.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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