Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article > , Dog3
> <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
>> Well, the restaurant was within it's rights to prosecute. It's
>> considered theft of services here and there is a fine and possible
>> jail time. OTOH, never have I heard of any establishment actually
>> pursuing a patron like this.
>> Michael
> But what if the service sucks, Michael? It happened to a group of
> women when we went to dinner. The waiter was rude, inattentive, and
> the
> service was sorely lacking. With 18% added for the privilege. We
> were not demanding anything beyond basic good service. We wondered
> if he was po'd because we're not a big drinking group and there
> wasn't much of a liquor tab. I don't know if anyone complained -- I
> didn't do anything
> but grumble along with the rest. Shame on me.
There is attentiveness and there is service and then there is abusing ones
server. As a former wait-person, I didn't appreciate every time I went to
the table of a party larger than 6 being asked to run and get something
else. There was NO built-in gratuity for tables of 6 or more. I just
brought you some butter, now you decide you need more sour cream. Okay,
fine. I just refilled all the water glasses and politely asked if anyone
needed more tea; no one spoke up; walk back by, now you need more tea and
rudely say NOW. Anyone need more coffee? Nope. Walk back by, we need
lemon and coffee. Bring lemons and coffee. We need cream. Excuse me, I
will bring it but you aren't my only customers. I'll treat you like you
are, but goddamit, a buck fifty in change for waiting hand and foot on 8 old
ladies in big hats and being your beck & call girl for a couple of hours
isn't gonna guarantee you jack but a polite smile next time around as I walk
past your table. Get your own goddamned coffee and tea. In fact, I'll show
you where the coffee station is and there are lemons and creamer there on
ice. You can keep your buck fitty. Better yet, invite those people to your
house instead; you can wait on them hand and foot and pretend you got paid
for doing so.