Thread: Soda Stream
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Soda Stream

On 2017-11-30, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> SS exhaust systems that last 15+ years

My '87 Civic's non-SS exhaust system lasted 20 yrs.

> Spark plugs go 100,000 miles instead of clean at 5k, replace at 10k

I rarely replaced my plugs. Got 250K miles from engine.

> Oil changes 7500 miles

Yer supposed ta change that crud? I merely topped mine off.

> HID or LED lighting

When I still lived on a motorcycle, the CHP usta bust bikers that
customized their bikes with halogen headlights. 20 yrs later, they
were std equipment on cars. I usta let my Civic's rear window stay
dirty so ppl tailgating my ass (w/ halogens!) wouldn't give me a
freakin' headache during 0-dark-thirty commutes.

Kinda like a tinted-glass Mercedes with such a loud sound-system,
pedestrians go deaf at 2 blocks, yet poor folks get pulled over fer
wearing head/ear phones in car.

> Less pollution

Granted. Less gas mileage, too. Have you seen the size of today's
vehicles? Trucks are larger than ever.


'event data recorders' (read "spy on you")

> As for weight, my car is 5400#

Mine weighed less than 1500 lbs. No doubt due to it NOT having a
single electrical 'convenience' control in entire car.

I've had this discussion, before. Not going there, again.
