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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Sweet potatoes

Cheri wrote:
> I have never liked them and no matter how many times someone tries to make
> them one way or another with the "you'll like them this way" etc., I still
> don't like them, I also can't stand beets. DH likes both so I occasionally
> make one or the other for him.

Correct Cheri. Don't you hate when someone insists that, "You
don't like them, you should try mine." Lol

Funny too that you mentioned beets. I've never liked them. When I
was a kid my mom occasionally served us heated up canned beets.
YUK! I've never had fresh beets cooked as it doesn't appeal to

My last beets were in the 1960's. Just a few months ago here, we
all talked about them so I thought I would give them another try
after 100 years or so. I should have tried a fresh one or two.
Didn't though..instead, I bought a jar of "Aunt Nellie's" Sweet
and sour Harvard Beets."

These things have been in my fridge unopened for maybe 6 months.
Since I'm talking about it now, I am about to open that jar just
to see what I think.

- no kidding, I'm about to open the jar and taste....

-ok...last time I ate a beet of any kind was about 50 years ago.
Grabbing one out of the jar right now...

- hmmmm. Well, I don't hate them. I might even eat more at
another time but I can certainly say, I'll never buy more.

I wonder if I could incorporate these things into some other