Thread: Soda Stream
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Soda Stream

On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 14:23:23 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>No kidding, notbob. I've been driving a cost-free company car for
>10 years now. Company pays for everything yet I have permission
>to drive on personal time. I don't take advantage of that though.
>I rarely drive on personal time. Avg - 5 miles per week.
>Whenever my situation ends, I'm really hoping to live somewhere
>(like right now) where I won't need to buy my own car and all the
>many expenses involved. Hope to be where I can just walk or ride
>bike to the occasional stores. Not only free, but it will be
>great exercise for retired me.
>Owning a car is very costly.
>- monthly price of very overpriced car (or initial outlay of
>- personal property tax on it each year

I guess that's the equivalent of what is called road tax here.

>- insurance
>- tags and inspections
>- repairs (which are never cheap anymore)
>- occasional towing to the shop
>- cost of gas!
>- even the pain in the ass to wash it occasionally.

I've had my current car for 9 years and I've never washed the outside
of it. I think it would get a shock and start to rust faster.

>Would be stupid of me to put all that out for a vehicle
>that I would drive on average 5-10 miles a week.
>Not going to happen...ever.

Just buy the right kind of bike and you can transport groceries etc.
with it: