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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Best dead spread ever

Dave Smith wrote:
> Not to long ago I read a news item about a teenage buy who died
> tragically and the family had set up a Go Fund Me account to raise money
> for his funeral. They were aiming for $35,000. You can have someone
> cremated and buried for under $4000. You have to wonder why a family on
> welfare would expect 9 times that much.

IMO, this entire funeral thing is all bullshit. Even $4000 just
to creamate a body is nonsense. These funeral ppl are just way
overcharging and playing on your emotions.

They are preying on the sad family & friends people big time!

Ever look into the process of embalming? Not for the queasy ones
I would never want that done to my worthless body.

Hey...the person that you knew and loved is DEAD. Not still in
that body.
Just toss them in a hole in the ground and say goodbye.

The funeral rituals are the biggest scam ever and it only works
because the grieving ones are so sad and want the best possible
send-off. At their time of total grief, they pay whatever.

If I ever have to "off myself" (only due to final days of extreme
pain from a deadly problem), I'll take a boat out to sea, tie an
anchor around my foot, shoot myself to fall overboard. No funeral
costs for my daughters. Funerals are such a scam and a wierd
ritual that most people seem to need. Not for me. I don't need or
want a headstone in a cemetary that no one will ever visit


Bottom line.....Death sucks and God got that one wrong.