Thread: Soda Stream
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Soda Stream

On Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 10:19:49 AM UTC-10, ardiente casa del amor wrote:

> Ah crap, that removes ALL the romance!
> I'll bet you it was the eponymous 350 V8. with higher miles, and either
> the chain tensioner and/or guide went bad.
> That will over time lead to failure, but first you should have heard
> some rattling or buzzing under the hood.
> They're some kind of phenolic resin casting and not a forever part.

The cars of the future will be electric, self-driving, robots. There's little romance when interacting with an appliance so live it up while you can. OTOH, the sex trade is going to be booming. My guess is that pay for play gals will be moving to mobile play rooms. As an added bonus, you can get dropped off anywhere you like after a happy ending. Ain't technology grand?!