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In article >,
"Chloe" > wrote:

> I saw a TV segment on the stuff. They basically roll out regular peanut
> butter--just like what you buy in a jar--and wrap it up like they do the
> individual cheese things. I don't eat much peanut butter, but if I did I
> think I'd actually appreciate the convenience even though the slices may
> look disgusting. Although they probably wouldn't make my short list of
> overprocessed food, that rubbery cheese food or worse yet, cheese "product"
> that even the law prohibits the manufacturers from calling food sure would,
> though.

Ah. I had a vision of some peanut butter product with the consistency of
single-slice American cheese. Still, I don't see any added convenience
in unwrapping a "slice" of peanut butter versus dipping the knife into
jar. If it's transportation, how do you keep the peanut butter slice
from getting squished and leaking all over the place?

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