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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default Score !

On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 19:23:23 -0600, Terry Coombs >

> * Today we did (some of) our Christmas shopping - because today the
>wife got 25% off on everything at Walmart (she works there) . And today
>we finally got something I've been lusting (to say the least) for . We
>bought a stand mixer . With a dough hook . And a wire whisk . This is a
>Kitchenaid 4.5qt unit , and it retails for 360 bucks . With her
>discounts and rollback pricing we got it for about 150 ...
> * I checked reviews for this mixer , of like 6,000 there were 5500
>positive - 5 stars . I looked the display model over , this thing is all
>metal , no plastic at all in the case , the attachments are all metal ,
>and our 20 year old bread machine is going to retire . The only negative
>for me is that Kitchenaid doesn't have a meat grinder attachment for it
>. That's OK though , I think I can come up with an adapter to use my
>small hand-crank unit .
> * --
> * Snag

I have had the food grinder attachment for years and years and don't
like it. IMO it doesn't do a decent job, is slow, and not powerful.
Unless you have a low counter, the attachment is out of comfortable
using space due to the height. You'd be way better off to buy a
grinder at Cabellas annual winter sale going on now. Or even use a
good food processor if you have one. I got all my attachments in a
kit for $15 years ago at Target. Grinder, slicer, some other stuff.
It has just been stuff taking up space, in fact, I am taking it all to
the landfill this weekend. I would think that the pasta maker is
worth it because I see it often used by all chefs on the cooking
as always, YMMV
Janet US