Best dead spread ever
On 11/30/2017 4:07 PM, Cheri wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 14:50:24 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> Not to long ago I read a news item about a teenage buy who died
>>>> tragically and the family had set up a Go Fund Me account to raise
>>>> money
>>>> for his funeral. They were aiming for $35,000.* You can have someone
>>>> cremated and buried for under $4000. You have to wonder why a family on
>>>> welfare would expect 9 times that much.
>>> IMO, this entire funeral thing is all bullshit. Even $4000 just
>>> to creamate a body is nonsense. These funeral ppl are just way
>>> overcharging and playing on your emotions.
>>> They are preying on the sad family & friends people big time!
>>> Ever look into the process of embalming? Not for the queasy ones
>>> here.
>>> I would never want that done to my worthless body.
>>> Hey...the person that you knew and loved is DEAD. Not still in
>>> that body.
>>> Just toss them in a hole in the ground and say goodbye.
>>> The funeral rituals are the biggest scam ever and it only works
>>> because the grieving ones are so sad and want the best possible
>>> send-off. At their time of total grief, they pay whatever.
>>> If I ever have to "off myself" (only due to final days of extreme
>>> pain from a deadly problem), I'll take a boat out to sea, tie an
>>> anchor around my foot, shoot myself to fall overboard. No funeral
>>> costs for my daughters.* Funerals are such a scam and a wierd
>>> ritual that most people seem to need. Not for me. I don't need or
>>> want a headstone in a cemetary that no one will ever visit
>>> anyway.
>>> Bottom line.....Death sucks and God got that one wrong.
>> Drowning would be a horrible way to go!* Just find a friend with
>> diabetes and beg a vial of insulin from them.* You'll just go gently
>> into the night if you're not diabetic.** I have that on good authority
>> from a doctor friend.** Most inconsiderate thing to do, gun to head,
>> horrible sight.
> Shooting himself in the head on his way overboard gets rid of the
> drowning factor, also gets rid of the gun, and by the time the fish get
> done with him, there won't be a horrible sight to see.
> Cheri
Well... someone's going to report him missing. Would he rather have
them have to identify his fish-nibbled corpse? With a bullet hole in
his head? His body will be found eventually. BTW, where's he going to
get the boat?