A second batch
Â* Of venison sausage is chillin' in the fridge awaiting packaging ... I
made a smaller batch yesterday , and per the instructions with the
recipe I cooked a small patty and let it cool before I tasted it ,
pretty good stuff ! Doesn't really taste like pork sausage , but it's
not gamy either , just a little different . The wife liked it too , so
this morning I made another bigger batch . Some of the rest of this deer
will be made into "deerburger" with the addition of 25% beef fat . The
rest , I haven't decided , but probably some or most will be just ground
up for use in chili and other uses . One that comes to mind is a chopped
steak hoagy , we've been using ground beef but it's not quite the same .
Tacos and fajitas also come to mind ...
Â*One thing is for certain , these whitetails sure don't have the gamy
taste the mule deer I grew up hunting have . I think maybe I'll try some
bacon wrapped steaks too , got another whole deer in the freezer in big
chunks .
Â* --
Â* Snag