A second batch
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A second batch
On 2017-12-04 2:32 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Dec 2017 14:41:35 -0500,
>> Terry Coombs wrote:
>>> Â* Of venison sausage is chillin' in the fridge awaiting packaging ... I
>>> made a smaller batch yesterday , and per the instructions with the
>>> recipe I cooked a small patty and let it cool before I tasted it ,
>>> pretty good stuff ! Doesn't really taste like pork sausage , but it's
>>> not gamy either , just a little different . The wife liked it too , so
>>> this morning I made another bigger batch . Some of the rest of this deer
>>> will be made into "deerburger" with the addition of 25% beef fat . The
>>> rest , I haven't decided , but probably some or most will be just ground
>>> up for use in chili and other uses . One that comes to mind is a chopped
>>> steak hoagy , we've been using ground beef but it's not quite the same .
>>> Tacos and fajitas also come to mind ...
>>> Â*One thing is for certain , these whitetails sure don't have the gamy
>>> taste the mule deer I grew up hunting have . I think maybe I'll try some
>>> bacon wrapped steaks too , got another whole deer in the freezer in big
>>> chunks .
>> The flavor of venison is primarily a product of diet... a lot depends
>> on severity of weather and available food supply. Here in upstate NY
>> when weather is mild during hunting season like this year deer will be
>> grass fed and hardly gamy at all. When a severe snowy winter sets in
>> prior to hunting season deer won't hesitate to survive by browsing low
>> hanging conifer branches, then venison will be extra gamy.
>> In any event there are many venison saw-seege recipes, here's a
>> favorite around here and it's easy:
>> I don't hunt nor do I permit hunting on my property, however friends
>> who do hunt gift me with various venison concoctions. I don't care
>> for cooked venison but I do like venison salami/pepperoni.
> as you say, diet flavors the meat. Pine forest is especially
> memorable.
> Janet US
I had some frog's legs once in a BC restaurant. They must have lived in
very muddy conditions because it took about 3 days to get the taste out
of my mouth.
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