Julie Bove wrote:
> Yeah, somebody will give me grief for this but I was going through
> lemons like crazy and probably bought too many. Tomorrow I will make
> lemon chicken. I also like a chicken and rice soup with lemon. It's
> Avgolemono without the Avgo because I don't have egg. I've also made a
> raw cookie recipe called "chewy lemon". Will have to look for that but
> not sure if I can make it or not. I no longer have my food dehydrator
> but can't remember if that was required or not. It was some kind of nuts
> with a ton of lemon zest and juice, I think pulsed the dough in the food
> processor them shaped in balls and stored in the refrigerator. Was
> really good!
> None of us are interested in pie or lemonade. Anyone have any other
> ideas? Perhaps some candy or cookies I could make for Christmas and if
> necessary keep in the freezer? Not sure the lemons will keep for another
> two weeks. My mom keeps saying she wants "lemon bars" because she loves
> them, but nobody is sure what it is that she wants. We have shown her or
> bought her things from bakeries with that label and they are never what
> she wants.
> Thanks!
If you are a Tolkien fan, then you will remember the Elven Lembas
waybread. Not having a clue as to what it might be, I thought it might
be on the sweet side, so I concocted a lemon square cookie bar recipe
adapted from I believe the Joy of Cooking. If memory serves it didn't
rise very much.
Years ago when my youngest nephew was small, 3-4 or so, my brother and
his wife were worried that he wasn't eating much. They came by one day
and I suggested my version of Lembas, he tried some and wanted more. If
I recall there was only enough sweetness to keep one from puckering from
the sourness of the lemon.
From the net:
A. H. Carter