On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 08:02:42 -0400, Mario Stargard
> wrote:
>Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
>> "Mario Stargard" > wrote in message
>>>Here's the issue: I've made some great barbecue using lump charcoal
>>>(Royal Oak brand) and have thrown soaked wood chips in for the smoke
>>>flavor. Then I got bold and got some hardwood to use in the smoker
>>>wanting to see what that was like.
>> Units like this are designed for use with charcoal. You can add bits of
>> wood, but do it carefully, slowly, and only small pieces at a time. When I
>> say small, I'm talking an inch to one and a half inches around. Get the
>> wood burning before adding another.
>> What you experienced was creosote from a fire that was smoldering, not
>> burning cleanly. You can also use a burn bucket to get the wood going and
>> just shovel the coals into the firebox of the smoker.
>> Ed
>> http://pages.cthome.net/edhome
>OK, so if I preburn the wood, would I control the temperature using the
>input damper? Or would I try to control the temperature more with the
>fire size?
>My pieces are the size you describe.
I would say a little of both - input damper and fire size. You do not
want heavy smoke coming out of the smokestack.
BTW, you are not putting cold meat on the grill are you? That can
cause problems. Meat should be allowed to get to room temp before you
put it on. Not scientific, but take the meat out of refrig just
before I go out to start the charcoal.