"Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> I had a large "glut" of tomatoes ripen just recently. I've spend the
> last 5 hours peeling and cutting those suckers. And that's after
> pawning, er... giving all my neighbors whatever they wanted.
> Two hugh pots on the stove now simmering down and 5 pounds in reserve
> to make my new batch of gloria p's (actually, I'm gonna vary the
> recipe) tomato wine. But that won't happen until tomorrow. I finally
> found a 10 gallon food grade bucket at the local restaurant supply
> store so it' should be big enough this time. ;-)
> So, I was thinkin' (I know, I know... and no, I didn't hurt myself)
> being that it's the opening day of the NFL (well, not really but it is
> for me) I figure I'll make some fresh gravy with sausage and meatballs
> (yes Shel, with fresh ground pork and beef), a salad and some garlic
> (home grown german red of course) bread.
> --
> Steve < go Steelers! ;-) >
> If the speed of light is 186,000 miles/sec., what's the speed of
> darkness?
Save me a meatball, I may be a little late depending upon airline times.