"Terry Coombs" wrote in message news
Got another batch of pizza sauce on the stove simmering down . I used
fresh-frozen homegrown tomatoes this time instead of bottled , and it's
beginning to smell a lot like pizza in the house . I'm kind of in a
quandary though , I think my dough recipe is too small for the new mixer
- unless I make a double batch . We sure can't eat 2 pizzas tonight , we
seldom even finish one (15") pie for dinner . So what to do with the
extra dough ? I've read (either here or at alt.bread.recipes) a couple
of ways to preserve it for another pie later - either bag/tag/freeze
after punching down from the first rise , or form the crust after the
2nd proofing and freeze the crust ready-to-top . I'm leaning towards the
first option because of freezer space and the fragility of the
ready-to-top crust ... The question becomes how do I thaw it out and
prepare it for use ? Just put it out on the counter (out of Max's reach
, that dog loves bread) and let it sit until it's warm and doubled in
volume ? If stored formed , does it need to thaw before topping and
baking ? Or do I just need to add a couple of minutes to the bake time ?
I *always* use my pizza stone , putting the pie in with frozen crust
would save using a piece of parchment under it ...
Funny anecdote , when Max was still a puppy - about 6 or 7 months
old- I left 2 loaves of panned dough out to rise , assuming he couldn't
reach it . His love of bread was already known by then . I hear a thump
from the kitchen , go to see what's up . There's only one pan of dough
now ... and Max lets out a big ol' burp . That dog had eaten a full
pound of dough , just snarfed it right down . And didn't even have the
decency to have a tummy-ache from it ! He did a day later pass some
undigested dough , but I was so sure he'd be distressed from the dough
still rising that I was a little disappointed . He's 17 months old now
and we always put anything bread/baking related well up out of his reach
.. We love him , but not quite that much !
Of course you do
