kilikini wrote:
> I didn't realize that that's where you live, Steve. I lived up in Red Hook
> (across from Kingston) for a couple of years. I worked at a sock place -
> miserable job - down in New Paltz for a few months.
> I'd love to take you up on your offer, but I'm afraid that you wouldn't have
> enough cooler or fridge space to supply me and TFM with beer. Just post
> pix. :~)
> You gonna make it to Bugg's next month?
> kili
Ah yes, know 'em all rather well ('cept the sock place). Spent a bit
of time in Red Hook (Nancy's sister lives there). I kind of shy away
from New Paltz since I've outgrown my "hippy days". Been here 30
years. "Transplant" from mountains in NW PA (still "home" btw).
As for the cooler/fridge space, wanna bet? Fridge and six 6 coolers
available along with a 1/2 on tap in the Keg-o-rater. That enough? ;-)
Well, honestly if you're ever back this way, you and TFM are most
welcome. Pool table's down stairs if ya like to play. (of course,
gambling is not allowed as it's illegal ;-) )
If the speed of light is 186,000 miles/sec., what's the speed of