Thread: HO - HO - HO
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Steve Wartz Steve Wartz is offline
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Posts: 58
Default HO - HO - HO

Ophelia wrote:

> "Steve Wartz" wrote in message
> ...
> Sheldon wrote:
> > Woke up to a WHITE CHRISTMAS!
> > Three wise Spruce; Poppa, Momma, and Baby;
> >
> > 'Bout 3"of pristine white:
> >
> > Witch's Broom Spruce & fruit trees:
> >
> > Unplowed driveway, but not for long:
> >
> > Really didn't think we'd have a White Christmas, quite a surprise, and
> > the best kind, no deep drifts and now it's 34ºF, not warm enough to
> > melt much so I'd best start plowing and single digits are expected
> > shortly. Hope Santa was good to all.

> "Pretty as a picture"...
> We had several inches of very light snow (as in "not dense") yesterday, it
> came down gently and beautifully...a cozy day to prep stuff for today.
> Today is bright sun and very cold. I like this weather, earlier in the
> month we had highs in the 40's - 50's, everyplace was over-heated and muggy,
> a good breeding ground for catarrh and the grippe and such like...
> Best
> Greg
> ==
> What are you cooking- have cooked?

Yesterday a small turkey, and Italian sausage with peppers...also cornbread dressing and a simple cranberry - pecan compote...

This afternoon, a small (three - pound) pork sirloin roast, mash potatoes, and buttermilk biscuits...OH, and potato salad...

[sorry, no pics, they would bore...]

I'll not have to cook for several weeks, I've made plenty extra for the fridge and freezer...

Earlier today, I volunteered at a community holiday dinner. It was a mix of folks, regular families, seniors, youth, folks who are "at need" or who simply need a nice holiday dinner; some are "street people", some are solidly middle - class, it is a lovely mix, much fun and camaraderie. It was quite the posh spread, we served everyone restaurant - is sponsored by several local businesses. My task was to assist in making floral centerpieces for the tables, and then to host folks, and show them to table...about 150 showed up. We are a good and well - organised team, so all goes smoothly...!!!

Anyways, I am happy and I am blessed...

I am now watching "Judge Judy", and have an early evening meal. Actually, being around food all day I'm not in the least bit hungry...

Best to you and yours, Ms. O., it always makes me happy to see your posts ;-)
