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"kilikini" > wrote in

> "Wayne" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Nancy Young > wrote in news:4144A782.2553D589
>> >

>> Today it's my "Chili From The Pantry" for late afternoon dinner and
>> leftovers for later in the week. With lots of errands and two new

> kittens,
>> I just didn't feel like mucking about in the kitchen today.
>> --
>> Wayne in Phoenix

> 2 new kittens! It's hard enough with one! LOL. Feisty little
> devils get into everything, don't they? I've got two adult fat and
> happy cats now and it's so much easier until you throw the dog into
> the mix. :~)
> kili

kili, we have a very anal retentive 12 y.o. female persian with a bobtail
who we keep clipped in a lion cut; a 6 y.o. roly-poly male leopard tabby
who is more devoted to me than any dog I've ever owned; and now we have
added the 2 kittens. They are 4 months old males, black & white tuxedos,
one with a bobtail and the other tailless. They are both very lovable
and people oriented, and since they are from the same litter, they play
together incessantly. Our tabby was a bit standoffish at first, but now
he grooms both of them and they groom him. Our female hates the sight of
all three of the others! It's a circus, I tell you!

Wayne in Phoenix

unmunge as w-e-b

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.