"Julie Bove" wrote in message news
> wrote in message
> How long is a beef roast good for in the refrigerator? If I was to buy a
> beef
> roast, not sure what kind yet, on Thursday and put it in the fridge, would
> it
> still be good on Sunday, three days later? Thanks.
You mean a raw one? Doesn't it have dates on it? Should have a "packaged on"
and "sell by" date. The most important part is when it was packaged. There
was a big to do at one store here and big roasts that they had for
Christmas. Apparently some were kept at room temp. too long and by the time
people went to cook them, they were spoiled. The store exchanged them either
for a higher quality piece of meat or a larger piece.
I haven't heard of anything about it up here, but down in England there have
been a lot of problems with bad turkeys.