pennyaline wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" wrote:
>>You've never seen that before? It is VERY common for an 18% gratuity to
>>be added to the check for any group larger than 8 (I think) around here.
> Nope. Never seen it before.
> But then, I've never taken a party of 6 to 8 people into a restaurant
> without a reservation and without having negotiated the service and
> (all-inclusive) price beforehand.
One can see it on many a menu, not just the menus of those
folks in parties of 6 or more. Fern bar type restaurants
have it (Applebees, Ruby Tuesday, etc.) as well as most
chains and nicer restaurants. That you've never noticed it
doesn't mean it's uncommon, because it is most certainly not.