"c4miles" > wrote in message
> A couple of follow-up questions if I may ...
> I was thinking of adding pectic enzyme to the must immediately after
> Would it be acceptable to add the yeast and yeast nutrient immediately
> that? Or wait a few hours? Or just skip this step altogether?
I've never found it necessary to add pectic enzyme to red must - only
> I was apprehensive about adding the sulphite during the primary, so I will
> follow your advice to wait until later. Do you think it would also be a
> idea to add potassium sorbate while adding the pot. meta?
Assuming you're making a dry wine, there's no reason to add _any_ potassium
sorbate to either the must or wine. That's only added to sweet wines prior
to bottling to prevent the fermentation from restarting in the bottle.
FWIW, commercial wineries that make sweet wines usually don't use sorbate
either because it imparts a taste that some people (like me) find
unpleasant. They sterile filter their wines instead. Sterile filtration is
an option for home winemakers too. It really isn't that difficult, but
sorbate is definitely easier and cheaper.
Tom S