Alan_B wrote:
> Actually I just decided to use a different nickname. Nothing removed
> nothing added. No medical procedures involved. Just time for a change.
> Before hahabogus I was the purple avenger (plus numerous others)...but that
> sound too *** for me so I changed to hahabogus for a more manly man type
> name. Now I'm using Alan_B. I could have invented some sob story and had
> some fun with you all. But I just decided it was a time for a name change.
> PS I was singing Show tunes this afternoon ....Luck be a lady tonight...
> Now I'm scaring myself...
eh, we all need changes sometimes. As for the show tunes, I've caught
myself doing "flashback" to my high school days of plays and concerts
recently. Maybe it's the weather.
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake
when you make it again.