Croquettes with no egg?
On Tue, 09 Jan 2018 09:58:32 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>Cheri wrote:
>> "Gary" wrote:
>> > Remember the very inexpensive packages of chicken backs? Never
>> > see them anymore either. Nor beef bones for stock.
>> =======
>> Look what happened to chicken wings and turkey parts, used to be dirt cheap,
>> not anymore.
>The chicken wing prices are just silly these days.
>For some reason, I only get the urge for them at Superbowl time.
>I guess since it's a traditional thing to eat at that time. Worst
>time ever too as they are so popular then, the price goes way up.
>Old story but this happened to me several years ago. Superbowl
>Sunday and I thought I'd make some chicken wings....until I saw
>the price...large packs of wings were $4.99/lb. Yeah right! That
>much and about half of the weight is bones/lost weight.
>I wasn't going to pay that and was disappointed that I wouldn't
>have the food as I was all set and looking forward to it. Then
>right in the very next section was a whole fryer chicken for only
>$0.88/lb. Hmmmmm, I thought.
>Well I bought a 2-3 lb whole chicken and cut it all up myself. I
>oven baked it. Once done, I treated all the large pieces just
>like chicken wings. Coated each piece with the mix of melted
>butter and Frank's Hot Sauce. And on the plate I had a dipping
>pile of "Marie's Blue Cheese Dressing."
>Well....turned out much better than using wings. Rather then
>nibbling on a chicken wing piece, how about chomping down on
>large bite of chicken thigh with all the same flavors. Oh yeah!
>I haven't bought wings since that day.
>No more Buffalo Wings for me....
>I make "Buffalo Whole Chicken" now. Screw the scrawny wings.
I like wings occasionally so I buy them on sale and freeze, until I
want some.