Croquettes with no egg?
On Tue, 09 Jan 2018 08:39:24 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>Bruce wrote:
>> "Julie Bove" wrote:
>> >I had salmon cakes when I was growing up. Nasty things. Cakes like that are
>> >not croquettes. The ones that I made had more of a rounded shape.
>> I don't know what salmon cakes are. Cake sounds like a sweet. Anyway,
>> salmon patties are great. Mackerel patties are even better.
>Crab cakes made from fresh are even better, imo.
>Anyway, as Cindy said...the cakes are not sweet. Same thing as
>patties here.
>Here's a recipe that I use (and fish can be used instead of
That sounds good. They'd be expensive luxury patties with crab instead
of mackerel. Those cans of mackerel are even cheap in Australia, where
nothing's cheap.