On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 10:32:56 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > We're having sushi for dinner. My husband uses chopsticks because he
> > likes to dip his rice in soy sauce.
> Has he ever heard of a fork?
A fork wouldn't work with sushi. It would break up the rice ball.
> Or a spoon to drizzle a little soy sauce over his rice?
He would still have to pick it up, and it would still be messy.
> There is some bird that learned how to catch insects in their
> nest using a stick...isn't there some "intelligent" monkey that
> has learned the same? lol
Chopsticks are twice as good as your bird's stick.
> I'm always amused at how so many people use knives, forks and
> spoons....yet give them some asian take-out food and they switch
> to eating with a pair of sticks. heheh
Why not? It works perfectly well. If chopsticks come in the bag
with the takeout, why dirty a fork?
I know you're handicapped; if you were presented with no other option
than chopsticks you'd have to use your hands. You're more to be
pitied than scorned.
Cindy Hamilton