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Default Croquettes with no egg?

On Tue, 9 Jan 2018 08:52:49 -0700, Casa estilo antiguo >

>On 1/9/2018 8:32 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> We're having sushi for dinner. My husband uses chopsticks because he
>>> likes to dip his rice in soy sauce.

>> Has he ever heard of a fork?
>> Or a spoon to drizzle a little soy sauce over his rice?
>> There is some bird that learned how to catch insects in their
>> nest using a stick...isn't there some "intelligent" monkey that
>> has learned the same? lol
>> I'm always amused at how so many people use knives, forks and
>> spoons....yet give them some asian take-out food and they switch
>> to eating with a pair of sticks. heheh

>It has one critical advantage, it slows and limits the amount one can
>shovel in at any one mouthful.
>That makes for far better digestion.

Nonsense... I've seen many an Oriental shovel food into their maws
from a bowl with chopsticks nonstop without hardly taking a breath
until the bowl is empty... there is nothing delicate about eating with
chopsticks. I've observed long ago that if Orientals had snouts
they'd empty a bowl of moo shu alpo like a famished dog. It's only in
Hollywood movies where Orientals eat all dainty-like from dinner
plates, in reality the Oriental eating style is to scoff/slurp down
grub from bowls like a pack of wild beasts.