Croquettes with no egg?
U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 16:12:44 -0500, jmcquown >
> wrote:
> > On 1/9/2018 10:20 PM, cshenk wrote:
> >> dsi1 wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 7:09:32 AM UTC-10, U.S. Janet B.
> wrote:
> > > > >
> >>>> where do you suppose those Americans came from? They brought all
> >>>> their favorite foods with them because even here in the U,S,,
> cattle >>>> have tails, chicken have feet, etc. Sweetbreads was one
> of my >>>> favorites as a child. I ate pickled pigs feet along with
> my mom >>>> (she loved them) We ate liver. It is only in recent
> times that >>>> people decided they should only eat the big muscle
> parts. I hate >>>> it when sausage advertises that it is made
> solely with some of the >>>> big muscle parts of the animal. We
> love bacon, sausage and lunch >>>> meats that were originally devised
> to utilize lesser parts of an >>>> animal. If you are going to kill
> an animal for food, you'd better >>>> be willing to eat the whole
> darn thing. End of sermon >>>> Janet US
> > > >
> >>> I never said that people on the mainland don't eat oxtail. I know
> >>> they do. If you tell me that most people love the stuff over
> there, I >>> remain unconvinced.
> >>
> >> You have to be an actual COOK to think of it. That is the same
> where >> you are.
> >>
> > He needs to be an actual cook who knows what people who live on the
> > mainland cook.
> >
> > Jill
> I'm just really surprised. I always thought of Hawaii as part of the
> United States but apparently not.
> Janet US
It is, but it's unique as well. It's the only place where there is no
'majority' race/ethnic for example. I don't have the actual stats in
frnt of me but it's something like 20% Chinese, 20% Japanese, 15% other
islanders, and 20% mixed white and African American. The remaining 5%
are at least partly Native Hawaiian. Something close to that if not
quite right.
Due to the distance, they have some differences but yes, they are all
American. The food is a melting pot of mixes just like the Continental
USA, but with a different melting pot mix used.
Rice cake soup probably makes no sense to you due to this. Don't worry,
they make cheeseburgers too!