On 1/11/2018 1:21 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 7:33:18 PM UTC-10, Casa estilo antiguo wrote:
>> Our social equation lacks an escape hatch.
>> Not so smart.
>> Now our tech reflects an embellishes this.
>> Would you end this if you were AI?
>> I would.
>> .......
> They'll just quantify the human species as an equation. If the sum is greater than pi or some other suitable number, we live. Otherwise, it's curtains for us.
This ant farm is known to get a good cleaning from eon to eon.
It's overdue as we speak.
5th world awaits.
The Hopis creation myth is slightly different than the creation myths
of the Aztecs and Navajo. The Hopi believe we are currently living in
the Fourth World, but are on the threshold of the Fifth World.
In each of the three previous worlds humanity was destroyed by
destructive practices and wars. Similar to the Navajo myth, the Hopi
myth has many variations because it is an oral prophecy. In the most
common version of the story the Spider Grandmother (Kookyangso'wuuti)
caused a reed to grow into the sky, and it emerged in the Fourth World
at the sipapu, a small tunnel or inter-dimensional passage. As the end
of one world draws near the sipapu appears to lead the Hopi into the
next phase of the world.[