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Casa estilo antiguo Casa estilo antiguo is offline
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Default Croquettes with no egg?

On 1/11/2018 9:24 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/11/2018 4:07 AM, sanne wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2018 09:55:13 UTC+1 schrieb dsi1:
>>> On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 9:22:28 PM UTC-10, Leonard
>>> Blaisdell wrote:
>>>> There's no need to inform him. If you arrive in The People's Republic
>>>> of California, you will be given much weed on the shore (first contact
>>>> is free) and become too stoned to move after a mile. You will be
>>>> embraced, absorbed, your possessions seized, and you will be led to
>>>> believe that you won.
>>>> [ObFood] I'm using my oven's self-clean feature tonight. Two years
>>>> worth of incinerating food doesn't smell too good all at once.
>>>> Meh...kinda about food.
>>>> leo
>>> Forget those cow tails! Just load the weed on the canoes and we'll be
>>> on our way. We'll leave you all the poi you can eat! If history has
>>> taught us anything, it'll be about a pound...

>> Careful - you may need it after you've consumed the weed...
>>> Good luck with the oven cleaning. The first and only time I used that
>>> cycle, it killed my oven's temperature sensor. This is what I get
>>> for buying expensive Korean junk!

>> Ovens still are not standard in Korean households, the manufacturers just
>> don't have (or didn't; how old is your oven?) enough experience yet.
>> The best Korean teacher we had to learn the language brought a German
>> stove with her when she returned to Korea.
>> Bye, Sanne.

> I guess no one else noticed dsi1 saying his wife (a haole from Montana,
> which is definitely mainland US) is still upset because of the way her
> *Korean*Â* mother was treated by haoles on the mainland.Â* Now he's
> ranting about "Korean junk".Â* Sounds a hell of a lot like John Kuthe and
> his rants about China, doesn't he?
> Jill

Congratulations on wading in with a can of gasoline to make it all worse.

Nicely done!