On 1/11/2018 3:00 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 8:20:07 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> That's not about fighting the Civil War, you idiot. The Civil War
>> wasn't about not being racists, nor was it about treating black
>> people nicely. You could think black people were inferior and
>> still think it was a bad idea to own people as chattel.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> Thanks for the lecture on the War for States Rights, Mrs. Obvious! 
As with any other historical train wreck there were numerous factors in
the derailment.
Thankfully the cleanup went well, albeit it took an unreasonably long time.
Now we're looking at secession by Cali-phonya and "slaves" have been
replaced by "illegals" in sanctuary cities.
History is a real biotch when it comes to rhyming, isn't she?