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Default Croquettes with no egg?

On 1/12/2018 11:35 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 6:35:09 AM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
>> We currently have a prime minister who panders to the immigrant vote
>> and, despite our country bringing in 10,000 refugees per year... vetting
>> them, paying their way here and housing them, he pledged to bring in
>> 25,000 by the end of that year. On top of that, we have at least 15,000
>> more who come here as visitors and then when they arrive they claim
>> refugee status.
>> We have a third safe country deal that means refugee claimants coming
>> from a safe country will not be admitted, but that applies only at
>> regular manned crossing, so now we have then streaming across the
>> borders from the US. Most of them are being rejected because they are
>> no legitimate refugees. The are economic migrants and they are fleeing
>> the US because special programs that allowed them to stay in the US
>> after disasters in their homeland are ending. Ours already ended.
>> What we should be doing is assisting with housing them in areas closer
>> to home so that they can return when things calm down back home. We
>> should only be giving them visas to allow them to stay, or permanent
>> residence, not citizenship.
>> A lot of them are more interested in citizenship and a passport than in
>> living here. There are many thousands of middle easterners living and
>> working overseas, mainly in the middle east, with American and Canadian
>> passports. They are citizens of convenience.
>> Canada fast tracked thousands of Lebanese to citizenship because of
>> conflict at home. A few years back, when Israel pounded Lebanon, we had
>> 55,000 "Canadians" who were screaming to be evacuated from Lebanon.
>> They were mostly those who had come here for citizenship and then
>> returned to their homeland. We spent millions to rescue those citizens
>> of convenience and shortly after things settled down back in Lebanon
>> most of them went back there to their real homes.

> Sounds like your country is doing the right thing.

Far from it:

And now, looking at Europe and America, a migration invasion of a much
greater magnitude is underway.

Evidence of that invasion came in February when an ISIS operative
confirmed what many already suspected €“ the Islamic State is using the
refugee crisis to form a fifth column of Muslim fighters inside Western

The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 trained ISIS gunmen have
already been smuggled into Europe €“ hidden among innocent refugees,
reported the Express, a British newspaper.

'Just wait€¦' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of
extremists into Europe

The jihadist told Western followers if they had the opportunity to "shed
a drop of blood" in Western countries €“ then they should do so.

Spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani also praised terror attacks that have
happened in Australia, Belgium and France.

He said: "We repeat our call to Muslims in Europe, the infidel West, and
everywhere to target the Crusaders in their home countries and wherever
they find them.

"We will be enemies, in front of God, to any Muslim who can shed a drop
of blood of a Crusader and abstains from doing that with a bomb, bullet,
knife, car, rock or even a kick or a punch."

It is estimated that 180 people with a nexus to Canada, headed to other
countries as foreign fighters, were stopped on the way, or remained
there and kept fighting over the past few years.

The government of Canada calls these people €śextremist travellers€ť and
are suspected of engaging in terrorism-related activities. They pose
many security concerns.

Around 60 have returned to Canada.

ISIS urges jihadists to attack Canadians: 'You will not feel secure in
your bedrooms'
In a 42-minute audio speech an ISIS spokesman urged supporters to kill
Canadians, regardless of whether they were civilians or members of the

The government has begun invalidating the passports of Canadians who
have left to join extremist groups in Syria and Iraq, Citizenship and
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander revealed in an interview on Friday.

The minister told the National Post his department had also revoked the
passports of several Canadians who had not yet left the country but who
had intended to travel to the volatile region to enlist as foreign fighters.

He would not disclose the number of passports Citizenship and
Immigration Canada had revoked over the conflict but said there were
€śmultiple cases.€ť The government says about 30 Canadians are with
extremist groups in Syria and 130 are active elsewhere.