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Bob (this one)
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Alan Connor wrote:

> Relaxe...

First word in the post mipselled... Very first word is wrong. It
starts off like the bullshit it is.

What else do you need to know...?


> You can trust us. We have many Scientists in our employ
> and they pay no attention to the desires of the people who hire
> them. They are objective.
> Relaxe....You are getting so-o-o-o sleepy.
> You can hear only our voices:
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Only animal products taste good and will make you healthy
> Never mind that milk is only consumed by babies in the natural
> world. We are smarter than Nature.
> Never mind that people who eat only tiny amounts of animal
> products seem to be much healthier and in better condition than
> people who eat like you are. It's all Communist Propaganda.
> The China Project:
> Never mind that animal-product heavy diets are extremely
> destructive of the environment and require massive amounts
> of fresh water, which grows scarcer around the world every day.
> Science will find a solution, it always does. We can easily
> create a substitute for Nature. Easy as Pie. The fact that
> it is many times more complex and quite a bit larger than
> the human body, which we don't understand yet is irrelevant.
> Trust us. Big Daddy Science will find a way. Anyway, the
> notion that there are only 55.7 million square miles of land
> on the Earth, and that only 25% of that was biologically
> productive in 1400 is Terrorist Lie: The Earth grows larger
> every day. Anyone can see that.
> Just consume those animal products and then do your part
> by supporting the health workers of your country, like good
> citizens.
> Trash that planet! The Toxic Waste Cleanup Industry has
> to make money too!
> And the Army needs work: Gotta take some more land from those
> ******s in the Third World when we trash our own, right?
> "This land is my land, that land is my land, your land is my
> land, their land is my land, her land is my land, his land
> is my land...."
> Your great grandkids? Who cares what shape the planet the
> little snots will inherit. Their problem. What are we?
> Christians or something?