On 2018-01-22 12:28 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> I have never made gnocchi.Â* I remember having spinach gnocchi in a very
> popular (at the time) Italian restaurant years ago.Â* I went there for
> dinner with some co-workers.Â* The spinach gnocchi was served with a
> cream sauce, garlic, basil, oregano and sprinkled with grated fresh
> Parmesan cheese.Â* Tasty!
> I like spinach.Â* One of these days I may try to make spinach gnocchi.
I don't mind raw spinach in a salad. I am not a fan of cooked spinach,
but I love it in stuff like that. I am a sucker for spanakopita. I did a
Costco run today and picked up a package of cheese and spinach cannolini.