On 1/26/2018 11:53 AM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, January 26, 2018 at 2:56:54 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
>> Not necessarily. Do we judge people in the past badly for their
>> habits? Not really. They did what they could and had to do back
>> then.
>> I remember an old Star Trek show where they traveled back in time
>> to 20th century Earth. They were in a hospital and Dr.McCoy
>> (Bones) was horrified at how doctors were treating medical
>> problems. He said, "My God, Jim! These doctors are butchers!"
> We will be judged by future generations. They will be surprised that we used to operate our own cars and that it killed about 100 people a day in the US. Of course, people won't be driving their own starships in the future. That's just a dramatic device used in scifi shows.
Bzzzzzz...Brundlefly time...
> In a hundred years they may see our medical treatments as crude and ineffective in the same way that we view medicine a century ago.
Indeed so.
> My guess is that Capt. Kirk was never shown happily chewing on a steak in the series. Synthetic food? Yup, that's the way to go. It's only logical. Cooking will be about as popular as beating clothes on a rock by the river to clean them.
Lord I hope not, but I guess if inputting taste profiles to the
replicator is all we need, so be it.
> The good news is that these times will probably be seen as the golden age of alcoholic beverages. Live it up while you can. Well, your liver will probably give out way before the day we wax nostalgic about booze...
Not necessarily:
Vapshot mini alcohol vaporizing system, provide and instant BUZZ, Tastes
Great, and has 1/60th of the calories.
> One thing that will remain the same is that people will still judge their predecessors by contemporary standards because that's the only frame of reference available to them. It's only logical, Capt.
Sure is!