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casa sobre ruedas casa sobre ruedas is offline
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Default Full Monte - $20

On 1/26/2018 4:18 PM, casa sobre ruedas wrote:
> On 1/26/2018 11:53 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On Friday, January 26, 2018 at 2:56:54 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
>>> Not necessarily. Do we judge people in the past badly for their
>>> habits? Not really. They did what they could and had to do back
>>> then.
>>> I remember an old Star Trek show where they traveled back in time
>>> to 20th century Earth. They were in a hospital and Dr.McCoy
>>> (Bones) was horrified at how doctors were treating medical
>>> problems. He said, "My God, Jim! These doctors are butchers!"

>> We will be judged by future generations. They will be surprised that
>> we used to operate our own cars and that it killed about 100 people a
>> day in the US. Of course, people won't be driving their own starships
>> in the future. That's just a dramatic device used in scifi shows.

> Bzzzzzz...Brundlefly time...
>> In a hundred years they may see our medical treatments as crude and
>> ineffective in the same way that we view medicine a century ago.

> Indeed so.
>> My guess is that Capt. Kirk was never shown happily chewing on a steak
>> in the series. Synthetic food? Yup, that's the way to go. It's only
>> logical. Cooking will be about as popular as beating clothes on a rock
>> by the river to clean them.

> Lord I hope not, but I guess if inputting taste profiles to the
> replicator is all we need, so be it.
>> The good news is that these times will probably be seen as the golden
>> age of alcoholic beverages. Live it up while you can. Well, your liver
>> will probably give out way before the day we wax nostalgic about booze...

> Not necessarily:
> Vapshot mini alcohol vaporizing system, provide and instant BUZZ, Tastes
> Great, and has 1/60th of the calories.
>> One thing that will remain the same is that people will still judge
>> their predecessors by contemporary standards because that's the only
>> frame of reference available to them. It's only logical, Capt.

> Sure is!
> ;-)

Btw, vaping alcohol has its own risks, FYI:

But since it circumvents the stomach the vapors go to tissues not used
to being melted down.

The brain, heart, lungs, etc.