Pancakes up a notch
On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 6:48:12 AM UTC-10, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> read again. A gallon of milk yields only about 8 ounces of REAL
> buttermilk. BUT one gallon of milk in butter production yields 116
> ounces of SKIM MILK which can then be turned into fake, cultured not
> real (grandfathered name) "buttermilk"
> Current product on the dairy shelf has absolutely nothing to do with
> real buttermilk. Current product is skim milk that has had a culture
> added to make an additional product for sale from the leftover skim
> milk.
> Janet US
I read and understood. One gallon of milk will yield about one cup of buttermilk and only 2 or 3 oz of butter. My comprehension is just fine. What you're saying is that butter and real buttermilk is the byproduct of making cultured buttermilk - right?