On 2018-01-31 8:00 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/31/2018 12:07 PM, Gary wrote:
>> Terry Coombs wrote:
>>> I'm thinking pork loin steaks Parmesan(using some of my spaghetti sauce
>>> from the freezer)with pasta, garlic bread , and a nice green salad . I
>>> might open that bottle of Stone Hill Golden Spumante , or may have the
>>> Curling Vine Perfect Red . Either would go well with this meal .
>> Up front I'll say, "just teasing." (and I really am)
>> IMO, drinking any wine with any meal will make it a good meal,
>> depending on how much you drink (to cleanse the pallette. ehh)
> Up front I'll say "just teasing"
Â* This just goes to show what you
> know about food and wine.Â* Not all food can be made to taste good no
> matter how much wine you drink. LOL
Cider, that is hard cider to USians here, goes very well with curries
where wine would be wasted.