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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Yogurt ... Pancakes up a notch

On 2018-02-01 10:03 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 1/28/2018 6:04 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> The end result was amazing. They were the best pancakes I have ever
>> made. They were the best pancakes I have ever eaten.

> I'm glad you enjoyed them!Â* I do the milk + vinegar trick since I rarely
> have buttermilk on hand.
> Yogurt isn't something I buy, either, unless I it's plain yogurt to use
> as a sour cream substitute in some recipe.

It is something that has worked its way into our diet. I used to
occasionally buy one of those little containers of fruit yogurt as a
dessert. If I got the larger ones they usually turned into science
projects before I finished them. I have been eating it more regularly
over the last few years. It is a way for me to eat dairy without
suffering from the lactose. My usual breakfast these days is some cereal
and fruit with almond milk and vanilla yogurt. My wife likes plain
Balkan style yogurt with fruit.

> I've been seeing ads on TV lately for "non-Greek" yogurt, as if it's
> something new.Â* I can remember when yogurt was barely a blip on anyone's
> radar.Â* (When I was a teen I had a friend who was constantly on a diet
> who ate yogurt; no on else I knew did.)Â* These days, if you watch
> television, it seems you can't get away from ads for yogurt.

I remember watching the Three Stooges and they often asked the milk man
for yogurt. I had no idea what it was. No one up here ate yogurt...
that I knew off. The Greek yogurt thing is relatively new here. It is
usually a thick, rich, almost sweet product. It's okay, and it sure
worked in those pancakes, but I have gone back to a runnier yogurt.