Uses for half and half?
Julie Bove wrote:
> I think I have only ever bought this stuff maybe three times in my life.
> And today I bought too much. Am currently in the middle of making
> crustless muffin tin quiches. Quite a few types. And either tomorrow or
> the next day will use a little more for hominy casserole.
> Ideas for what to do with the rest of it? I have some chicken. Anything
> I can do with that?
> Thanks!
If you are not on a diet, it is very good to just drink it. Tastes like
whole milk, but very rich in milkfat. I use it in coffee. And it will
keep at least a month (usually more) in the refrigerator if you keep it
in the original container and don't contaminate it with any bacteria, etc.
You could also use it to make puddings and the like. Again, it works
just like milk, but richer tasting.