Uses for half and half?
"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Cindy Hamilton" wrote in message
> ...
> On Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 11:26:00 PM UTC-5, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I think I have only ever bought this stuff maybe three times in my life.
>> And
>> today I bought too much. Am currently in the middle of making crustless
>> muffin tin quiches. Quite a few types. And either tomorrow or the next
>> day
>> will use a little more for hominy casserole.
>> Ideas for what to do with the rest of it? I have some chicken. Anything I
>> can do with that?
>> Thanks!
> Dump it down the drain. That way you won't use up other ingredients
> in an attempt to utilize the half and half that you overbought.
> Cindy Hamilton
> ==
> I don't know how it compares, but when I have double cream (heavy?) I
> freeze it. It is fine in cooking.
Probably but cream is not something I would normally buy or use which is why
I asked.