On 2018-02-04 12:25 PM, Bryce wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Feb 2018 12:14:18 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 2018-02-04 10:49 AM, Bryce wrote:
>>> On Sun, 4 Feb 2018 08:45:13 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>>> On 2018-02-03 4:31 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>> I'm always the last to know, but have you checked out
>>>>> https://www.yummly.com/
>>>>> It's easy to fill in your recipe ingredient requirements and find what
>>>>> you want.
>>>>> Janet US
>>>> "Bigly" of you Janet:-) Thanks!
>>>> But a recipe for a vegan GF Spanish omelette? There was an article in
>>>> the WP or NYT the other day about vegans forcing their cats and dogs to
>>>> eat a vegan diet. Nutters, the lot of 'em!
>>> You're a bit of an Archie Bunker, aren't you? You reject everybody
>>> who's not exactly like you.
>> Archie wasn't always right, but Graham is about vegans. They force
>> their strange and restrictive diets on their children. Putting dogs and
>> cats on a vegetarian diet is just plain nuts. They are omnivores,like
>> people. They can't eat honey because they don't want to exploit the
>> labour of bees, but they have no problems buying supposedly organic
>> foods produced by people who work their asses off for very low wages.
> There's nothing wrong with a vegan diet for humans.
Sure, if you go to enough effort you can manage to maintain a healthy
diet. Omnivores can do that by eating a well balanced diet.
> And this carnivore newsgroup is full of people who buy the cheapest of
> the cheapest food, regardless of animal welfare or working conditions
> of workers.
Do you know that for a fact. My dog gets a salmon based food that sure
isn't cheap. His food is so good that when I take him to the dog park
there are a couple dogs who come running to greet him because they know
he will crap within two minutes of arrival and they will eat it up
before we get a chance to pick it up. I am not shitting you. One yellow
lab comes running to the gate when we arrive and she will get behind him
as soon as he starts to squat and grab it before it hits the ground.
The other day my dog walked along and dropped a line of turds. I tried
to get a bag opened up while trying to block Maggie when another yellow
lab scooted over and snatched them.