On Monday, February 5, 2018 at 7:07:07 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> For many years I futzed with roasting/grinding beans, and spent big
> bucks on so called 'rare' beans plus mucho money on fancy shmancy
> grinders and brewers... all for naught.
> It's not possible to brew good coffee without good water... a few
> years ago I installed a Reverse Osmosis water filter... what a
> difference good water makes. Now I buy ground coffee in big cans for
> cheap (Walmart Brand), makes fantastic brew, but it's really about the
> H2O.... if you're using tap water you're masturbating. Bottled water
> is tap water too, only from someone else's tap, probably from a garden
> hose. And all those paper/charcoal element filters attached at the
> sink spigot are no better than aquarium filters... will load up with
> bacteria/viruses and make you very sick.
> If you're a coffee and/or tea drinker you need an RO filter.
Our tap water is just great stuff. No treatment needed. OTOH, Hawaii water probably kills more people than your water.