On 2/8/2018 2:21 PM, notbob wrote:
> Yeah. Rice. What to do with it?
> I gotta lotta rice. Got 7-8lbs of long grain white rice (probably
> grown in The South) that was gifted to me and I don't know what to do
> with it.
> Got any ideas/suggestions/recipes? I like 'pulao's'. Gotta eat this
> rice cuz .....well..... I'm poor, ona fixed income, and wanna keep my
> house fer my kids. (sniff)
> Get to you, yet?
Lifetime supply!
I like to make a pilaf type of dish. In a pan with lid saute some cut
up carrots and onions. Cook them about half way. Toss in rice. For
one person, half cup is about right. Let that cok a few minutes, add
about a cup of chicken broth, lower heat, cover, come back to eat in 20
minutes. Season as you see fit.