On 2/8/2018 1:21 PM, notbob wrote:
> Yeah. Rice. What to do with it?
> I gotta lotta rice. Got 7-8lbs of long grain white rice (probably
> grown in The South) that was gifted to me and I don't know what to do
> with it.
> Got any ideas/suggestions/recipes? I like 'pulao's'. Gotta eat this
> rice cuz .....well..... I'm poor, ona fixed income, and wanna keep my
> house fer my kids. (sniff)
> Get to you, yet? 
> No, really. I gotta learn to start likeing rice. Crickey's, their
> givinitawaynow! ....fer free!! I'll start by trying to incorporate it
> into my weekly batch of red beans (ew!!).
> nb --also got 8 lbs of free 'light red kidney beans'
Â* We had rice for dinner tonight ... brown rice , under some pork
stir-fry I made in my wok . I think I have a recipe for red bean and
rice with shrimp and sausage ...
Ain't no dollar sign on
peace of mind - Zac Brown